Press release Paul Ege Art Prize 2024

Kelly Tissot awarded the Paul Ege Art Prize 2024

The prizewinner will be exhibiting at PEAC Museum from June 7

Exhibition: June 7 – July 21, 2024

The Ege Art and Culture Foundation and the City of Freiburg are pleased to host the award ceremony and opening of Kelly Tissot’s exhibition at the PEAC Museum on Friday, June 7, at 7 p.m.

To mark the 20th anniversary of PEAC (Paul Ege Art Collection) Museum, this year the prizewinner’s works will be presented as part of the anniversary exhibition “Between white walls…” at the museum.

The Paul Ege Art Prize, endowed with 10,000 euros, has been awarded every three years since 2007 by the Ege Art and Culture Foundation in cooperation with the City of Freiburg. The prize commemorates the Freiburg entrepreneur and patron of the arts Paul Ege, who died in 2019.

The prize is aimed at young artists up to 35 years of age who come from or work in the three-country border region (DE, CH, FR). Previous winners are Kathrin Herzner, Vera Mayer, Christoph Poetsch, Maria Tackmann, Judith Kakon and Laura Sacher.

The award is judged in a two-stage process consisting of a nomination committee and a jury. This year, the members of the nomination committee were Iris Hasler, associate curator, Fondation Beyeler (CH), Samuel Leuenberger, director, SALTS (CH), and Elfi Turpin, director, CRAC Alsace (FR). The jury consisted of Aoife Rosenmeyer, art critic (CH), Marijke van Warmerdam, artist and professor, State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe (DE), and Sandrine Wymann, director, La Kunsthalle Mulhouse (FR).

The Ege Art and Culture Foundation and the City of Freiburg would like to thank the jury for their commitment and are delighted to announce the winner of the Paul Ege Art Prize 2024: Kelly Tissot was born in France in 1995, completed her Bachelor’s degree 2018 at the Ecole Cantonale d’Art in Lausanne and in 2020 her Master’s degree at the Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst in Basel, where she currently lives and works.

Jury statement

„Kelly Tissot employs photography in order to communicate a close but unsentimental viewpoint of agricultural and rural life. In this work she presents a little-explored perspective with considerable authority. It is not romantic nor is it driven primarily by environmental concerns but manifests the social structures of farm and rural life.

The jury was impressed by Tissot’s mastery of photography, informed by the artist’s research into various techniques and supports. Her analogue photography is the basis for carefully constructed prints complemented by architectural elements that are both independent sculptures and an exhibition architecture that cleverly corrals viewers.

In this practice, the photographic works become sculptural and sculptural elements are graphic. The scenography is often slight yet nonetheless contributes to an orchestration of the viewer’s movement and the viewing experience. In the structures themselves, Tissot identifies an overlooked and uncelebrated vernacular and creates forms that, with minimal means, speak of the practice of farming, of influences from other sectors, of scale and of populations.”

Aoife Rosenmeyer, Marijke van Warmerdam, Sandrine Wymann


Friday, June 7, 2024, 7 p.m.

Award ceremony and opening

Martin Ege, Managing Director of the Ege Art and Culture Foundation

Ulrich von Kirchbach, Deputy Mayor of the City of Freiburg
Lea Altner, Co-Director PEAC Museum

Samuel Leuenberger, member of the nomination committee, Director SALTS

Thursday, July 11, 2024, 7 p.m.
Artist talk with Kelly Tissot, Samuel Dangel (Cultural Office of the City of Freiburg) and Lea Altner (PEAC Museum)

Current exhibition

Between white walls…
20 Jahre PEAC Museum—an exhibition in two acts
February 18 to July 21, 2024

Press material is available on the museum's website in the press section.

We will gladly provide you with image material upon request:

Press contact

Corinna Wolfien

Books Communication Art

+49 (0)175 56 76046

About PEAC Museum

PEAC Museum is a center for modern and contemporary art, hosting a varied program of exhibitions. The museum is situated in Freiburg on the premises of the Alexander Bürkle company, run by the third generation of the Ege family, and is supported by the Ege Art and Culture Foundation. The exhibition halls, which opened in 2004 under the name “Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle”, span around 1,000 square meters. Since fall 2019, the former art space has been operating under the name PEAC Museum.

PEAC Museum

Lea Altner und Eveline Weber (on parental leave), co-directors

Robert-Bunsen-Strasse 5

79108 Freiburg i. Breisgau

Phone +49 (0) 761/5106 600


Tuesday – Friday from 11 am – 5 pm

Sundays and public holidays from 11 am – 5 pm

Admission is free.